Maree Sugai is an Associate Professor, Faculty Member and Researcher of Ethno-psychiatry at Tohoku University of Community Service and Science in Japan. She studied at West of England University Bristol, UK, Reading University, UK and Creighton University, USA. Her academic background is in Socio-Linguistics and Medical Anthropology and her thesis was in Intercultural Communication. She has taught undergraduate, graduate and post graduate level classes in English, Academic Writing, Intercultural Communication, and Comparative Psychiatry at Tohoku University School of Medicine, Tohoku Gakuin University and at Tohoku University of Community Service and Science. She has worked as a Director on the Board of Governors for the NPO Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Kokoroya in Sendai, Japan for fifteen years. She has published on health as a human right in the American International Journal of Social Sciences, psychology and behavioral science journals, and is dedicated to equity in health services and open access research information sharing. She is Director of Health Care for the Global Listening Centre and also Vice Director of the International Global Exchange Center promoting cultural exchange immersion studies for undergraduate and graduate university students in language and culture, and for occupational therapy doctorate student exchange programs in rural Japan.